Saturday, September 24, 2011

the need for grace

I am not, by nature, a flexible person. In fact, some who know me well may even use words like rigid, unbending, or stubborn to describe me.
Motherhood has some distinct challenges for someone not versed in the ability to deviate from the original plan with a gracious smile.
With almost two years of child-rearing behind us, I adore being a mom. I adore watching my husband be a father. Even more so, I adore Bumble Bee and am thrilled and awed at the privilege God has entrusted us with to raise her up. But flexibility seems to be an essential ingredient to survival in this parenting world, and its necessity has caused more than a few tears to be shed by this Type A mommy.
What I am finding is that the unpredictability of parenting - and really, all of life - is teaching me about grace in a whole new way.
God's grace. That grace that pours over me, the sinner, washing the sin away and ushering me into a life of faith lived through Jesus. Where would I be without such grace? But God's grace doesn't end here.
In fact, grace is needed every moment of every day. Every day grace. Not cheap grace. Not grace that is ordinary or taken advantage of. But grace that sustains my every thought and action - grace that lifts me up when a curt word or an unloving action is the easier route to take.

It is needed when I'm awoken in the early morning hours by a blond curly-haired pixie, enthused for her day to begin before the sun has risen. I am grumpy when I do not get enough sleep. It is by grace that I put this aside and enjoy the quiet snuggle time, in the dark of early morning.
It is needed when my husband waits patiently (how patient he is!) for our pint-sized helper to feed the dog (a task she has mastered under his guidance with impressive but slow skill), while our own dinner sits ready to eat and getting colder by the minute. I am crabby when I am hungry. It is by grace that I can admire the care with which Bumble Bee dips the scoop into the dog food, praising her for pouring the food into the dish with a steady hand.
It is needed in those moments after the little one is finally fast asleep, when my body wants to crash on the couch and zone out with a good episode of Parenthood. It is by grace that my husband and I make the intentional effort to connect, to talk, to play, to continue to build a life together, even in this harried season.
Oh, for the grace to face these and hundreds of other moments throughout my day with the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control that is spoken of in Galatians. For every moment that I respond to while leaning on God's grace, it seems there are dozens more that I barge into with my clumsy humanity.
But He is faithful. So faithful. And I am learning. Slowly.

I imagine this blog to be a little window into our life as a family, striving to walk in grace every day. I'd love for you to join me.