Tuesday, June 5, 2012

all is well, child

Every night before I go to bed, I check on my daughter. With the door slightly ajar, light pouring in from the hallway, I look at her lovely 2 year old form, sprawled across her big girl bed, arms often folded on either side of her head, bent out at angles. Her face is so peaceful and perfect. I know I'm the mom, but really? You never saw a more precious thing. I straighten her covers, make sure she's not too hot or cold, kiss her forehead gently. I whisper "I love you, sweetheart," smooth her hair back from her face. "All is well, my little girl."

That last part made it into my routine more recently. We're dealing with more whining and crying these days; I never knew a little one could be so persistent in her requests - well, demands. We still feel like brand new parents, dealing with each new challenge as the wave of her development crests and crashes into us. My patience is being tested. How many times can the word no be uttered!? More often than I'd like to admit, my patience is pushed beyond its limits, and I respond with a word spoken just a bit too harshly. A sharp tone that she's never had much cause to hear before. And even though I catch myself and go to her and say I'm sorry for getting frustrated, it leaves me feeling guilty.

My point is, we've reached a stage where Bumble Bee's world does not always go as she wants. Disappointment, confusion and frustration have entered her days. Sometimes, even hurt. Yes, we believe we're making the best choices for her. But from her little two year old vantage point, she's discovering a semblance of injustice, hardship. And so I lean over her little self, whisper loving words that despite the events of the day which may have been challenging, all is well. She is loved. We care for her. We are looking out for her.

And it hit me, does God lean over my bedside at night and whisper the same words?

I face challenges, discomfort, uncertainty, difficulty. I feel pain, sometimes for very good reasons. I see injustice, I hurt for myself and others. And too often, I whine and fight and cry that things aren't fair, things aren't going the way I want. Maybe sometimes God is grieving with me. Perhaps there are times when I am close to the heart of God and I hurt for the very things that He hurts for. Other times, I am certain He is laughing at my stubbornness, my unwillingness to let go of my insistent petitions and relax into His good plans.

God in His goodness is sovereign and His purposes will prevail. He is trustworthy. He is faithful. He is powerful, more powerful than the broken forces at work on the earth. He is merciful and just. And so despite the events of my day, the things I see and experience which cause me strife, all is well. Does He stroke my hair at night and assure me of this beautiful truth?

All is well, child.

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