Friday, June 1, 2012

food takeaways

Month one: concluded. Here are my takeaways, in no particular order:
  • I have a very minimal tolerance for spiritual disciplines, particularly if they involve a level of discomfort. The idea of putting myself in an uncomfortable situation, no matter how small, is totally foreign to me. This is not good. I know there is a balance between the peace and rest Jesus promises us when we choose to follow him, and the very real and intentional acts of obedience we should begin to engage in out of love for Jesus and a desire to live like him. I'm just not sure where that balance is yet. Legalism has a strong pull for people like me, Type-A, wanting a clear checklist. I know life in Christ isn't like that. But it can't all be about me and what makes me content either.
  • Isaiah 58. I'm not sure where to begin with the things that grabbed me about this passage. True, heartfelt worship is seen in how we love God and love other people in totally real, Spirit-led, radical ways. Fasting or other disciplines have a place - one that I need to figure out more - but our worship should not stop here. It's what God does when we deny ourselves and look for more of him in our lives that leads to the real worship he desires from us.
  • At a totally non-spiritual level, I really love sweets. This is probably a good spot to mention (in case any strangers who don't know me stumble onto this blog), I am not a gluttonous over eater. I eat a pretty balanced diet, maintain an average weight, and love to get outside for a good hike or even a run (when I am not pregnant). But I do really love sweets, particularly ice cream. 
  • I won't do anyone any good if I just get down on myself for the fact that I'm undisciplined. His mercies are new every morning. Bring on month two, let's give this another go.
  • We need one another. I am blessed and grateful for the many people in my life who love Jesus and are seeking him with passion. I am encouraged by the ways God is at work in others lives and I need to hear these testimonies, because sometimes, it's just good to know that we're all walking the same journey, each of us in a little different way. Community is not to be taken lightly.
My continued prayer in this 7 adventure is that God would use this journey to make me more like Jesus - open to following him in little and big ways, whatever his Spirit leads me to do. Two experiences this month stay with me: (1) a simple question to the women next to me in the bathroom at Fred Meyer who had obviously been crying - "are you alright? is there anything I can do?" and (2) an offer to bring a meal to a stranger I met at the neighborhood park, who is dealing with a challenging season of life and we happened to connect. These things stand out to me because a couple months ago, I don't think I would have done either of these things. And, I don't think I would have been aware of the Spirit's prompting to open my mouth and say the words that were on my heart. I'm no hero and neither of these actions changed any one's life. I'm not bragging. I'm giving God credit for beginning to open my heart a little bigger so that my eyes are tuned to see the needs of people around me. Come, Lord Jesus.

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